
End of year data for key year groups: 2018-2019

Reception GLD: 72.7%

Breakdown of English/ maths
  Reading Writing Number SSM
Expected 54.4% 63.6% 68.2% 68.2%
Exceeding 18.2% 9.1% 18.2% 18.2%
Overall 72.7% 72.7% 86.4% 86.4%
Y1 phonics check: 77%

Y2 attainment: end of KS1 data
28 pupils Reading Writing Maths
Met the standard
(incl GD)
79% 71%
Greater Depth 18% 11%

Y2: Expected (and above expected) progress since end of Reception
  Reading Writing Maths
End of year 2019 85% 74% 78%
Y6: attainment: end of KS2 data
30 pupils Reading Writing Maths SPAG
Teacher Assessment 70% 73% 77% -
Test 57% - 67% 77%
Greater Depth 3% - 10% 20%
Combined score: 47%

Combined GD: 0
End of year results: 2018

End of EYFS results

  • % of pupils achieving a good level of development: 76.6%

Year 1 phonics check

  • % of pupils attaining the expected standard: 82%

End of Key Stage 1 results
  Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard
Reading 79% 7%
Writing 71% 4%
Maths 82% 11%
Science 79% -

End of Key Stage 2 results


NOR Scaled score 100+ High scaled score Average scaled score
18 67% 17% 103

 NOR  Expected standard Greater depth
 18  67%  -

NOR Scaled score 100+ High scaled score Average scaled score
18 61% 6% 101


NOR Scaled score 100+ High scaled score Average scaled score
18 67% 22% 102

  Combined RWM
NOR Expected standard High standard
18 56% 6%