Religious Education

Moor Nook Primary School RE curriculum Document
Please find below RE curriculum document.
Religious Education Curriculum Document
Statement of Intent In line with the school’s Value-Based Education and British Values we intend to develop personal values and beliefs and for children to develop a sense of right and wrong. Our aim is to create religiously literate students through creative lessons and opportunities that reflect our school/community religions as well as learning about other world religions, in turn children will gain cultural capital. Our aims for Religious Education also reflect the intent of the locally agreed syllabus ‘What does it mean to be human?’ Our pupils’ will know the main beliefs and practices of the major faiths to be able to form conversations for world views and consider the role of religion in society.
Aims During their education at Moor Nook Community Primary School we aim for all our children to:
Develop an awareness of spiritual and moral issues in life experiences.
Develop knowledge and understanding of major world religions and value systems found in Britain.
Consider their own place in the universe and their responsibility for the preservation and development of creation.
Have respect for other people’s views and to celebrate the diversity in society.
Maintain a sense of belonging and regard for their own beliefs.
Develop investigative and research skills to enable them to make reasoned judgments about religious issues.
Develop and promote understanding of and a respect for religious believers in our multicultural society.
Develop an understanding of religious traditions and to appreciate the cultural differences in Britain today.
Develop an understanding of what it means to be committed to a religious tradition.
EYFS The children can retell the main events in two religious stories.
The children can name a religious festival and talk about how it is celebrated
Year 1 Give an example of a key belief and/or a religious story
Give an example of a core value or commitment
Use some religious words and phrases to recognise and name features of religious traditions
Talk about the way that religious beliefs might influence the way a person behaves
Notice and show curiosity about people and how they live their lives
Ask questions
Year 2 Retell and suggest meanings for religious stories and/or beliefs
Use some religious words and phrases when talking about beliefs and values
Identify and describe how religion is expressed in different ways
Suggest the symbolic meaning of imagery and actions
Identify things that influence a person’s sense of identity and belonging
Ask relevant questions
Talk about their own identity and values
Year 3
Show awareness of similarities in religions
Identify beliefs and values contained within a story/teaching
Identify the impact religion has on a believer
Identify how religion is expressed in different ways
Use religious terms to describe how people might express their beliefs
Describe how some people, events and sources of wisdom have influenced and inspired others
In relation to matters of right and wrong, recognise their own and others’ values
Discuss own questions and responses related to the question ‘who should we follow – and why?’
Year 4 Describe what a believer might learn from a religious teaching/story
Make links between ideas about morality and sources of authority
Describe the impact religion has on believers’ lives
Explain the deeper meaning and symbolism for specific religious practices
Consider the range of beliefs, values and lifestyles that exist in society
Discuss how people make decisions about how to live their lives
Reflect on their own personal sources of wisdom and authority
Year 5 Make links between beliefs and sacred texts, including how and why religious sources are used to teach and guide believers
Explain the impact of beliefs and values – including reasons for diversity
Explain differing forms of expression and why these might be used
Describe diversity of religious practices and lifestyle within the religious tradition
Interpret the deeper meaning of symbolism – contained in stories, images and actions
Explain (with appropriate examples) where people might seek wisdom and guidance
Consider the role of rules and guidance in uniting communities
Discuss and debate the sources of guidance available to them
Consider the value of differing sources of guidance
Year 6 Analyse beliefs, teachings and values and how they are linked
Explain how the beliefs and values of a religious tradition might guide a believer through the journey of life
Explain the impact of beliefs, values and practices – including differences between and within religious traditions
Use developing religious vocabulary to describe and show understanding of religious traditions, including practices, rituals and experiences
Explain differing ideas about religious expression
Consider what makes us human – in terms of our beliefs and values, relationships with others and sense of identity and belonging
Discuss how people change during the journey of life
Raise, discuss and debate questions about identity, belonging, meaning, purpose, truth, values and commitments
Develop own views and ideas in response to learning
Demonstrate increasing self-awareness in their own personal development