
Art Curriculum Content
Please find below art curriculum content.
Art Curriculum Document
Our Vision for Art
Statement of Intent
At Moor Nook Community Primary School, we value Art and provide children with an engaging, challenging and well-rounded Art curriculum that inspires creativity for life. We believe all children are entitled to an excellent and rigorous art education. By exploring a range of artists and techniques, we enable children to experiment, develop and extend skills and express their interests, thoughts and ideas. By the end of Year 6, our children will understand how art and design has shaped our history and contributes to our culture, locality, nationality and the wider world. As teachers, we facilitate skills and nurture creativity by providing comprehensive and creative activities through a sequence of well-planned lessons. We want to create confident, independent artists who can articulate and value their own creative journey. Our school is a safe and nurturing environment where children are encouraged to take risks and learn from their creative journey rather than working towards a pre-defined outcome. 
Aims Throughout their time at Moor Nook, we aim for all children to:
• Practise and develop mastery in the key processes of art – drawing, painting, printing, textile sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
• Foster engagement, enjoyment and appreciation of the visual arts
• Use the language of art in self and peer reflections
• Have knowledge of great artists and designers and the historical and cultural impact of their art forms
• Use a sketchbook as part of their learning journey
• Experience using a range of media and techniques
• Be inspired to create their own independent piece
• Engage in relevant and exciting projects
Exploring the
natural world
Enable an active exploration of the natural world,
and to making art.
Encourage children to look at the world as a place
containing elements they can manipulate & transform
Develop hand eye coordination and dexterity skills
Give opportunity to explore early mark making
Encourage discovery, conversation and sharing
Create a holistic approach to making art
Encourage children to explore objects through senses other than sight
Promote curiosity, thinking, recall & creative decision making
Develop hand eye coordination
Explore mark making as a way to share information
Encourage playful exploration
Help children explore sensory perception
Promote teachers & children to create their own learning pathways
Explore colour as a medium beyond paint
Develop observation skills
Develop mark making, drawing and painting skills
Demonstrate how different art forms can feed into each other
Promote group work
Identity and
Exploring Relationships
Develop dexterity and making skills
Explore using drawing, colouring and collage
Promote conversations about character and identity
Promote ideas about story, narrative and dialogue
Enable children to work alone and then contribute their work to shared experience
Exploring the
power of Creativity
Explore mark making and how it relates to the body
Develop hand eye coordination
Explore right and left hand drawing
Exploration of drawing as a physical activity
Develop hand eye coordination
Explore drawing and speed
Link drawing to wellbeing
Explore drawing and colour mixing as a tactile activity
Develop understanding of colour mixing on page
Explore mark making and pattern
Explore printmaking as a tool for mark making
Explore ideas about “shape” and how we can make “shapes”
Promote close looking followed by experimentation
Exploration of colour mixing
Promote individual and group ways of working
Combine mark making, painting, colour and collage
Develop fine motor skills
Explore printmaking
Develop understanding of negative and positive prints
Promote a range of skills including mono printing, drawing, colour mixing, painting, stencils, collage and scale.
 Year 1 
 Drawing Begin to explore a variety of drawing materials including pencil, graphite, pen, chalk, soft pastel, wax and charcoal
Explore mark making to start to build mark-making vocabulary
Undertake projects which explore observational drawing
Painting and
 Recognise primary colours and use an experiential approach to simple colour mixing
Benefit from experiences learnt through drawing and apply these skills to painting and collage
Enjoy discovering the interplay between materials
 Print Making Explore simple printmaking
Search out found objects to be used as tools to press into plasticine to create texture and to understand notions of positive and negative
Explore pattern, line, shape and texture.
3D design
 Explore, discover and invent ways for 2d to transform into 3d sculpture
Explore modelling materials such as Modroc, clay and plasticine
Use basic tools to help deconstruct (scissors) and then construct (glue sticks).
Year 2
Develop mark-making skills through experimentation with various drawing media: pencil, graphite, chalk, soft pastel, wax and charcoal
Continue to familiarize with sketchbook / drawing exercises
Explore a variety of drawing starting points (stimuli), including close looking via observation from primary & secondary source material, drawing from memory and imagination
Painting and 
Use drawings as basis for collage
Continue to mix colours experientially
Revisit colour mixing and understand relationships of primary and secondary colours
Explore painting on different surfaces, such as fabric and different scales
Use new colour mixing knowledge and transfer it to other media, e.g. soft pastel
Print Making
Explore simple mono printing techniques using carbon paper, using observational drawing skills and mark making skills
3D design
Explore how 2d can become 3d though “design through making”
Cut simple shapes from card and use them to construct architectural forms.
Use digital media (film and still photos) to create records of models made
Year 3 Drawing Practice observational drawing from the figure, exploring careful looking, intention, seeing big shapes, drawing with gesture, and quick sketching
Using observational drawing as a starting point, fed by imagination, design typography
Continue to familiarize with sketchbook / drawing exercises
Make larger scale drawing from observation and imagination
Painting and 
Explore painting on new surfaces using colour as decoration
Apply and build upon colour mixing and mark-making skills previously learnt, thinking about how certain colour ranges/combinations affect the outcome
Print Making
Explore a simple clay technique such as making slab pieces, and decorate them relief patterns based upon observational drawing skills
3D design
Explore how combinations of materials such as wire, paper, fabric, string, card can be transformed into sculpture
Make an armature from paper and tape and use as the basis to explore modelling with Modroc to make sculpture
Year 4 Drawing Continue to familiarize with sketchbook / drawing exercises
Use growing technical skill and knowledge of different drawing materials, combined with increasing confidence in making a creative response to a wide range of stimuli
explore more experimental drawing, following child’s own interests/affinities
Layering of media, mixing of drawing media
Painting and
Combine artforms such as collage, painting and printmaking in mixed media projects
3D design
Work with a modelling material (clay or plasticine) to create quick 3d figurative sketches from life or imagination
Construct with a variety of materials (wool, string, twigs, found objects, paper etc.) exploring how to bring different media together, both technically and visually
Develop design through making skills and collaborative working skills through fashion design. Explore paper and card manipulation skills to build 3d forms.
Year 5
Continue with the key drawing exercises
Explore the relationship of line, form and colour.
Follow a series of guided activities which each offer pupils an opportunity to make their own individual creative response.
Explore scaling up drawings, bringing in all mark-making skills previously learnt, and using technique to provide opportunity to transform original
Painting and 
Paint on new surfaces (e.g. stone, fabric, walls, floors and work collaboratively to produce images in new contexts
Combine and construct with a variety of materials, including modelling and paint
3D design
Explore sculptural ideas of balance
Explore relationship between sculpture and design through a sketchbook project
Year 6 Drawing Continue with the key drawing exercises
Revisit still life. Develop drawing skills using observational drawing
Explore drawing and mark making on new surfaces, e.g. clay, linking to genres such as portraiture or landscape,
Explore sequential drawing and narrative e.g. manga and graphic novels, possibly linking into develop into set design
Painting and 
Develop clay (and drawing) skills by creating pinch pots based upon still life observation
Print Making Explore geometric design/pattern / structure and create this through printing in a variety of ways
3D design
Explore transformation of materials following own journey to produce an object which conveys personality of maker/designer