May 2023

5th May 2023
Nursery Open Day May 2023
Nursery Open Day is on Wednesday 24th May 2023 at 3-3:30pm.
If you have a child between the age of 3-4 years, please pop in to have a look around.  We look forward to seeing you. 
Year 6 Message
Greetings Year 6! Whilst we hope that you have a wonderful weekend, celebrating the King's Coronation, we just wanted to remind you that your official SAT tests start on Tuesday morning. Try to get some much-needed sleep and rest before the big week! Please come to school at the usual time and we will start the day with a delicious breakfast to get you ready and prepared to give 100% effort. If you do feel unwell, please come to school and we will arrange for you to be collected after the end of the day's tests. Your revision books can help you remember what we have looked at this year. Try not to worry about the tests over the weekend because we know you will try your very best on the day. Thank you and see you on Tuesday, Mrs Jaeger & Mrs Paterson.