Design Technology

DT Curriculum Document
Please find below DT curriculum document.
Design Technology Curriculum Document
Statement of Intent Design and Technology encourages children to learn to think and intervene creatively to solve problems both as individuals and as members of a team. At Moor Nook, we encourage children to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. 
Aims During their education at Moor Nook Community Primary School we aim for all our children to:
Develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.
Build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users.
Critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others.
Understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.
  Characteristics of effective learning Early Learning Goals
Show curiosity about objects, events and people Questions why things happen
Engage in open-ended activity Thinking of ideas
Find ways to solve problems / find new ways to do things / test their ideas
Use senses to explore the world around them
Create simple representations of events, people and objects Planning, making decisions about how to approach a task, solve a problem and reach a goal
Checking how well their activities are going
Changing strategy as needed
Reviewing how well the approach worked
Choose the resources they need for their chosen activities Handle equipment and tools effectively
Children know the importance for good health of a healthy diet
They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes.
They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology
Year 1 

Generating ideas - designing Design appealing products for a particular user based on simple design criteria.
Generate initial ideas and design criteria through own experiences. Develop and communicate these ideas through talk and drawings and mock ups where relevant.
Making Select and use simple utensils, tools and equipment to perform a job e.g. peel, cut, slice, squeeze, grate and chop safely; marking out, cutting, joining and finishing; cut, shape and join paper and card.
Select from a range of ingredients and materials according to their characteristics to create a chosen product.
Evaluating Taste, explore and evaluate a range of products to determine the intended user’s preferences for the product
Evaluate their ideas throughout and finished products against design criteria, including intended user and purpose.
Vocabulary planning, investigating design, evaluate, make, user, purpose, ideas, product,

Year 2
Generating ideas -
Generate ideas based on simple design criteria and their own experiences, explaining what they could make.
Develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking, mock-ups and drawings.
Making Plan by suggesting what to do next.
Select and use tools, equipment, skills and techniques to perform practical tasks, explaining their choices.
Select new and materials, components, reclaimed materials and construction kits to build and create their products.
Use simple finishing techniques suitable for the products they are creating.
Evaluating Explore a range of existing products related to their design criteria.
Evaluate their product by discussing how well it works in relation to the purpose, the user and whether it meets the original design criteria.
Vocabulary investigating, planning, design, make, evaluate, user, purpose, ideas, design criteria, product, function
Year 3 Generating ideas - designing Generate realistic ideas through discussion and design criteria for an appealing, functional product fit for purpose and specific user/s.
Use annotated sketches, prototypes, final product sketches and pattern pieces;
communication technology, such as web-based recipes, to develop and communicate ideas
Making Plan the main stages of making.
Select from and use a range of appropriate utensils, tools and equipment with some accuracy related to their product.
Select from and use finishing techniques suitable for the product they are creating.
Evaluating Investigate a range of 3-D textile products, ingredients and lever and linkage products relevant to their project.
Test their product against the original design criteria and with the intended user.
Evaluate the ongoing work and the final product with reference to the design criteria and the views of others.
Vocabulary user, purpose, design, model, evaluate, prototype, annotated sketch, functional, innovative, investigate, label, drawing, function, planning, design criteria, annotated sketch, appealing
Year 4 Generating ideas - designing Generate and clarify ideas through discussion with peers to develop design criteria to inform the design of products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups.
Use annotated sketches and appropriate Information and Communication technology, such as web-based recipes, to develop and communicate ideas.
Generate, develop, model and communicate realistic ideas through discussion and, as appropriate, annotated sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagrams.
Making Order the main stages of making.
Select and use appropriate tools to measure, mark out, cut, score, shape and combine with some accuracy related to their products.
Explain their choice of materials according to functional properties and aesthetic qualities.
Select from and use materials and components, including ingredients, construction and electrical components according to their function and properties.
Evaluating Investigate and evaluate a range of products including the ingredients, materials, components and techniques that are used.
Test and evaluate their own products against design criteria and the intended user and purpose.
Evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and identify the strengths and areas for improvement in their work.
Vocabulary evaluating, design brief design criteria, innovative, prototype, user, purpose, function, prototype, design criteria, innovative, appealing, design brief, planning, annotated sketch, sensory evaluations
Year 5 Generating ideas - designing Generate innovative ideas through research including surveys, interviews and
questionnaires and discussion with peers to develop a design brief and criteria for a design specification.
Design purposeful, functional, appealing products for the intended user that are fit for purpose based on a simple design specification.
Develop and communicate ideas through discussion, annotated drawings, exploded drawings and drawings from different views. and, where appropriate, computer-aided design.
Making Produce detailed lists of equipment and fabrics relevant to their tasks
Write a step-by- step plan, including a list of resources required.
Select from and use, a range of appropriate utensils, tools and equipment accurately to measure and combine appropriate ingredients, materials and resources.
Evaluating Investigate and analyse products linked to their final product.
Compare the final product to the original design specification and record the evaluations.
Test products with intended user and critically evaluate the quality of the design, manufacture, functionality and fitness for purpose.
Consider the views of others to improve their work
Vocabulary design decisions, functionality, authentic, user, purpose, design specification, design brief, innovative, research, evaluate, design criteria, annotate, evaluate, mock-up, prototype
Year 6 Generating ideas -
Use research using surveys, interviews, questionnaires and web-based develop a design specification for a range of functional products.
Develop a simple design specification to guide the development of their ideas and products, taking account of constraints including time, resources and cost.
Generate and develop innovative ideas and share and clarify these through discussion.
Communicate ideas through annotated sketches, pictorial representations of electrical circuits or circuit diagrams.
Making Formulate a step- by-step plan to guide making, listing tools, equipment, materials and components.
Competently select from and use appropriate tools to accurately measure, mark, cut and assemble materials, and securely connect electrical components to produce reliable, functional products.
Use finishing and decorative techniques suitable for the product they are designing and making.
Evaluating Continually evaluate and modify the working features of the product to match the initial design specification.
Critically evaluate their products against their design specification, intended user and purpose, identifying strengths and areas for development, and carrying out appropriate tests.
Test the system to demonstrate its effectiveness for the intended user and purpose.
Vocabulary function, innovative, design specification, design brief, user, purpose, design brief, design specification, prototype, annotated sketch, purpose, user, innovation, research, functional, mock-up, prototype

Year 1 Understand where a range of fruit and vegetables come from e.g. farmed or grown at home.
Understand and use basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes, including how fruit and vegetables are part of The eatwell plate.
Know and use technical and sensory vocabulary relevant to the project.
fruit and vegetable names, names of equipment and utensils sensory vocabulary e.g. soft, juicy, crunchy, sweet, sticky, smooth, sharp, crisp, sour, hard flesh, skin, seed, pip, core, slicing, peeling, cutting, squeezing, healthy diet, choosing, ingredients
Year 2 Understand where a range of fruit and vegetables come from e.g. farmed or grown at home.
Understand and use basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes, including how fruit and vegetables are part of The eatwell plate.
Know and use technical and sensory vocabulary relevant to the project.
fruit and vegetable names, names of equipment and utensils sensory vocabulary e.g. soft, juicy, crunchy, sweet, sticky, smooth, sharp, crisp, sour, hard flesh, skin, seed, pip, core, slicing, peeling, cutting, squeezing, healthy diet, choosing, ingredients
Year 3 Know how to use appropriate equipment and utensils to prepare and combine food.
Know about a range of fresh and processed ingredients appropriate for their product, and whether they are grown, reared or caught.
Know and use relevant technical and sensory vocabulary appropriately.
name of products, names of equipment, utensils, techniques and ingredients texture, taste, sweet, sour, hot, spicy, appearance, smell, preference, greasy, moist, cook, fresh, savoury, hygienic, edible, grown, reared, caught, frozen, tinned, processed, seasonal, harvested healthy/varied diet
Year 4 Know how to use appropriate equipment and utensils to prepare and combine food.
Know about a range of fresh and processed ingredients appropriate for their product, and whether they are grown, reared or caught.
Know and use relevant technical and sensory vocabulary appropriately.
name of products, names of equipment, utensils, techniques and ingredients texture, taste, sweet, sour, hot, spicy, appearance, smell, preference, greasy, moist, cook, fresh, savoury, hygienic, edible, grown, reared, caught, frozen, tinned, processed, seasonal, harvested healthy/varied diet
Year 5 Know how to use utensils and equipment including heat sources to prepare and cook food.
Understand about seasonality in relation to food products and the source of different food products.
Know and use relevant technical and sensory vocabulary.
ingredients, yeast, dough, bran, flour, wholemeal, unleavened, baking soda, spice, herbs fat, sugar, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, nutrients, nutrition, healthy, varied,
gluten, dairy, allergy, intolerance, savoury, source, seasonality utensils, combine, fold, knead, stir, pour, mix, rubbing in, whisk, beat, roll out, shape, sprinkle, crumble
Year 6 Know how to use utensils and equipment including heat sources to prepare and cook food.
Understand about seasonality in relation to food products and the source of different food products.
Know and use relevant technical and sensory vocabulary.
ingredients, yeast, dough, bran, flour, wholemeal, unleavened, baking soda, spice, herbs fat, sugar, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, nutrients, nutrition, healthy, varied,
gluten, dairy, allergy, intolerance, savoury, source, seasonality utensils, combine, fold, knead, stir, pour, mix, rubbing in, whisk, beat, roll out,
shape, sprinkle, crumble

Year 2 Know how to make freestanding structures stronger, stiffer and more stable.
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
cut, fold, join, fix structure, wall, tower, framework, weak, strong, base, top, underneath, side, edge, surface, thinner, thicker, corner, point, straight, curved, metal, wood, plastic, circle, triangle, square, rectangle, cuboid, cube, cylinder
Year 4 Develop and use knowledge of how to construct strong, stiff shell structures.
Develop and use knowledge of nets of cubes and cuboids and, where appropriate, more complex 3D shapes.
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
shell structure, three- dimensional (3-D) shape, net, cube, cuboid, prism, vertex, edge, face, length, width, breadth, capacity, marking out, scoring, shaping, tabs, adhesives, joining, assemble, accuracy, material, stiff, strong, reduce, reuse, recycle, corrugating, ribbing, laminating, font, lettering, text, graphics, decision
Year 6 Understand how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce 3-D frameworks.
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
frame structure, stiffen, strengthen, reinforce, triangulation, stability, shape, join, temporary, permanent
Textiles Year 1 Understand how simple 3-D textile products are made, using a template to create two identical shapes.
Understand how to join fabrics using different techniques e.g. running stitch, glue, over stitch, stapling.
Explore different finishing techniques
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
joining and finishing techniques, tools, fabrics and components, template, pattern pieces, mark out, join, decorate, finish
Year 3 Know how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce existing fabrics.
Understand how to securely join two pieces of fabric together.
Understand the need for patterns and seam allowances.
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
fabric, names of fabrics, fastening, compartment, zip, button, structure, finishing technique, strength, weakness, stiffening, templates, stitch, seam, seam allowance
Year 5 Produce a 3-D textile product from a combination of accurately made pattern pieces, fabric shapes and different fabrics.
Understand how fabrics can be strengthened, stiffened and reinforced where appropriate.
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
seam, seam allowance, wadding, reinforce, right side, wrong side, hem, template, pattern pieces, name of textiles and fastenings used, pins, needles, thread, pinking shears, fastenings,
Mechanical Systems
Year 1 Explore and use sliders and levers.
Understand that different mechanisms produce different types of movement.
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
slider, lever, pivot, slot, bridge/guide, card, masking tape, paper fastener, join, pull, push, up, down, straight, curve, forwards, backwards
Year 2 Explore and use wheels, axles and axle holders.
Distinguish between fixed and freely moving axles.
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
vehicle, wheel, axle, axle holder, chassis, body, cab assembling, cutting, joining, shaping, finishing, fixed, free, moving, mechanism names of tools, equipment and materials used
Year 3 Understand and use lever and linkage mechanisms.
Distinguish between fixed and loose pivots.
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
mechanism, lever, linkage, pivot, slot, bridge, guide system, input, process, output linear, rotary, oscillating, reciprocating
Year 5 Understand that mechanical and electrical systems have an input, process and an output.
Understand how gears and pulleys can be used to speed up, slow down or change the direction of movement. Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
pulley, drive belt, gear, rotation, spindle, driver, follower, ratio, transmit, axle, motor, circuit, switch, circuit diagram, annotated drawings, exploded diagrams, mechanical system, electrical system, input, process, output
  Year 4 Understand and use electrical systems in their products linked to science coverage.
Apply their understanding of computing to program and control their products.
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
series circuit, fault, connection, toggle switch, push-to-make switch, push-to-break switch, battery, battery holder, bulb, bulb holder, wire, insulator, conductor, crocodile clip, control, program, system, input device, output device
Year 6 Understand and use electrical systems in their products linked to science coverage.
Apply their understanding of computing to program, monitor and control their products.
Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project.
reed switch, toggle switch, push- to-make switch, push-to-break switch, light dependent resistor (LDR), tilt switch, light emitting diode (LED), bulb, bulb holder, battery, battery holder, USB cable, wire, insulator, conductor, crocodile clip control, program, system, input device, output device, series
circuit, parallel circuit